Lou's Garage
Meet cantankerous auto mechanic Lou and his quizzical sidekick Sal. Travel with them through space, time, other dimensions, and across the street as they deal with competition, strange customers, and terrible, terrible coffee.
Lou's Garage ran from 2005 to 2009 in publications like The Berkeley Daily Planet and on mobile syndication service AvantGo, where it developed a small international following. This is the first time a complete collection of Lou's Garage comics has been offered in a single volume.
Available on Amazon.Color Single-Panel Cartoons 2000–2008
In the first decade of the 21st century, my color cartoons appeared on movie theatre screens, on the front page of Netscape, in the San Jose Mercury News and other newspapers, and of course on Here are the best of them.
Available on Amazon.This Was 2020
Instead of sending holiday cards in December, I send a comic each January about my life during the previous year. It's usually about 16 pages and very private to friends and family.2020 was different.A lot of things happened, and I ended up with a graphic novel about the year we all remember: quarantine, protest, turmoil, and some joy. Some of what happened to me is probably like what happened to you. Some of it is probably quite different. This is my story from 2020.
Available in my Shop or on Amazon.The Very Best of Vidrio Cafe
Welcome to Vidrio Cafe. Take a look around at the comics. They are good comics. Tell your friends about them. It will be cooler that way. Vidrio Cafe is more than a blank slate. It is a force, a vehicle, a pickup truck with more towing capacity than any other truck in its class. Vidrio Cafe excludes taxes, tags, and delivery charges. Vidrio Cafe provides long-lasting lip color and protection. Vidrio Cafe is for entertainment purposes only, and is not to be used on cuts or chafed skin. In independent studies, a small number of Vidrio Cafe users experienced minor side effects, including nausea, sexual dysfunction, loss of appetite, anal seepage, weight gain, night sweats, asthma, diabetes, esophageal reflux, diarrhea, fatigue, tenderness of the abdomen or groin, lower back pain, migraines, intestinal bleeding, and in some cases death; similar to placebo. Vidrio Cafe used to be known as Paperdummy.
Available in my Shop or on Amazon.